To Reduce Risks:
• Wear an appropriate helmet, leash and/or a flotation device approved by your country’s maritime safety agency: USCG Type III or V, ISO, etc.
• Know your foiling abilities, swimming abilities, paddling abilities, surfing abilities, and equipment.
• Never use this product while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
• This product should never be used by children except with proper training or under adult supervision.
• Know the waterway, including current, undertow, and forecasted water and weather conditions and temperatures.
• Use caution in high surf, high wind, rapids, shallow water or near swimmers, other watercraft, docks, pilings or any other obstacles.
• Observe all federal and local water use regulations.
• Do not use this equipment for any uses other than for its intended use as a SUP foil and Prone foil.
• Inspect all equipment prior to use. Do not use if damaged.
• Contact with the land or other objects during normal usage may cause damage to this foil.
If you do not have written instructions or require more safety information, please contact us before using this product and be sure to read and download the Airwave User manual.
Foil Warning:
Do not use this product unless you have read and understand all warnings and instructions below.
• The use of this product exposes the user and other beach users to many unavoidable and unexpected risks, injury, DANGERS, HAZARDS and DEATH.
• NSP (“New Surf Project”) will not be held liable for any damage to property or any PERSONAL INJURY or DEATH caused by any use, misuse, abuse or irresponsible use of this product by the user.
• Hydrofoiling (“Foiling”) can be DANGEROUS to anyone in the vicinity of their use and the use of this equipment must be taken seriously. We recommend that all users seek the guidance of professional instructors. As you learn the sport, work within your own limitations and do NOT exceed them. Always Wear an appropriate helmet, leash and/or a flotation device approved by your country’s maritime safety agency: USCG Type III or V, ISO, etc.
Legal Disclaimer:
Watersports involve inherent risks and dangers and hazards which can result in serious injury and even DEATH. By purchasing the NSP (New Surf Project) product, the purchaser accepts any and all known and unknown risks of injury including death, while using this product.
Do NOT use this product unless you have read and understand all warnings and instructions. If you require more safety information or do not have written instructions, please contact us through this website before using this product.