Andrew Hunter
Birthday: June 1
Home Spot: Lawrencetown Beach, Nova Scotia
Disciplines: Surfing, Skating, Skiing
Sponsors: NSP, Kannon Beach Surf Shop
Andrew Hunter grew up on the Canadian mainland, hours from the nearest ocean. But as fate would have it, he became a dedicated surfer spending the last 25 years of his life (when not touring as a musician), often in a wetsuit in sub-zero temperatures, through snowstorms and hurricanes – always chasing waves.
The proving grounds of Hawaii’s north shores, in combination with frequent traveling to Central America as a young man meant he was hooked.
Today, Andrew has settled down on the frigid and fickle coastline of beautiful Nova Scotia, Canada. Committed to raising his young family, he likes to spend his free time out at Lawrencetown Beach and ride his longboard.