Dear NSP Customer,

For any warranty issue, we always recommend you first…

1) contact the shop whom you purchased your NSP product from first.
As a retailer, they know our requirements and whom to contact right away.

A warranty claim has to be filed with the original dealer where the purchase was made, or…

2) directly with the national distributor in the country of purchase. As the National distributor, they know our warranty procedure like no other.

NSP’s responsibility is limited to repair or replacement of the defective product. Neither NSP nor any of its representatives will be responsible for any losses or damages incurred as a result of loss, or use of product.

If you have any additional questions, just drop us an email.

Thank you, and see you on the water!

NSP Customer Services


This warranty is only valid to the original purchaser of the board, from the original dealer. This warranty is valid for twelve (12) months from the date of purchase of the original product. This warranty does not cover the following claim conditions:
  • Damage or defects caused by impact with any materials or objects (incl. ramps and sliders).
  • Damage or defects caused by collisions, abuse, misuse or accidental damage.
  • Breakage or defects as a result of prior damages.
  • Damage or defects caused by transport, loading, unloading, dropping, or out of water handling.
  • Damage or defects caused by heel dents.
  • Damage or defects caused by non-recreational use.
  • Damage or defects caused by inappropriate storage or handling.
  • Damage or defects caused by exposure to temperatures over 21°C (70°F) and under 0°C (32°F).
  • Damage or defects caused by natural events such floods, earthquake, fire, etc.
  • Damage or defects caused by alterations or modifications including the use of a larger fin than specified.
  • Damage or defects caused by repairs.
  • Damage or defects caused by usage of the board after a claim is reported.
  • Damage or defects caused by flat landings.
  • Damage or defects caused by improper mounting or adjustment of bindings or footstraps.
  • Any damage except manufacturing defects in material or workmanship.
  • Damage or defects caused by storage of the board in closed, damp conditions (for example a wet boardbag).
  • Damage or defects caused by impact with the sea floor.



If you feel this particular warranty issue requires another type of file or video, simply upload to Vimeo, YouTube or WeTransfer and add the link to the field where it says “problem with the board”.

We understand that you may have to submit forms from another organisation, and WeTransfer is perfect for that. In case of a Video upload, please make sure your video upload is set to “public” and if you can, talk us through what we are seeing please.

If you have any additional questions, just drop us an email.

    2MB PER FILE MAX, resize your pictures HERE if necessary 

    1) Hi-res picture proof-of-purchase (receipt)

    2) Hi-res picture of the serial number

    3) Hi-res picture of the damage

    4) Hi-res picture of the complete bottom

    5) Hi-res picture of the complete deck

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